Listing Details
Alison EricksonAlison Erickson has lived and worked at The Mill Studio in Waikari, North Canterbury since 1998. She sculpts and casts bronze on the premises, with her partner, Sam Mahon.
Her work is kept in private collections in NZ and in Australia, the UK and the USA.
We are proud to include Alison Erickson as part of PICK. Visit pick.nzartbroker.com/alison-erickson/ to see more of Alison's work.
NZ artbroker’s PICK. presents an in-depth look at some of New Zealand's most sought-after artists.
PICK. allows this group of artists to present a body of new work, all for sale online and through a continuing exhibition programme.
PICK. provides an online platform for these artists, enabling them to showcase their work, tell more of the story of their work and their career.
--Alison Erickson Alison Erickson has lived and worked at The Mill Studio in Waikari, North Canterbury since 1998. She sculpts and casts bronze on the premises, with her partner, Sam Mahon.Her work is kept in private collections in NZ and in Australia, the UK and the USA.
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