Untitled (Owl)
Untitled (Owl)
Untitled (Owl)

Untitled (Owl)

John Bevan Ford

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Listing Details

John Bevan Ford

1930 – 2005

John Bevan Ford was a leading figure in contemporary Maori art. Ford achieved international recognition for his intricate ink drawings based on recognizable customary art forms. Patterns from raranga (weaving), kowhaiwhai (rafter paintings), korowai ( woven cloaks) and from traditional carving recur in these works. There are examles of these drawings in all major New Zealand institutional collections.

Ford's first exhibition was in 1966. He went on to become a leading figure in Maori Art education, holding teaching positions at Hamilton Teachers College and Massey University. He retired in 1988 to become a full-time artist. In 2005 Ford received the Creative New Zealand Te Waka Toi Kingi Ihaka Award  in acknowledgement for his contributions to Maori art and education.


Image Dimensions: 480mm W x 615mm H

Framing: Framed

Framed Dimensions: 740mm W x 885mm H



Artwork Details

Title: Untitled (Owl)
Artist: John Bevan Ford
Medium: Mixed media on paper
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